
Showing posts from November, 2023

tenth day of practice at khoja Ismat sarayi

 hello my dears  today is a last day of the practice  i can't believe  so we visited to khoja ismat sarayi here some informations about it Today our tenth practical day and we visited to Khoja Ismat sarayi. Before I had never seen this building. But thanks to God because today I visited there and I gave much information and facts about this place.Ismat Bukhari (pseudonym; real name Ismatullah) (1365, Bukhara - 1436) is a poet. Studied in Bukhara. He lived in Samarkand during the reign of Khalil Sultan and Mirza Ulugbek (1404-09; 1409-49).  In the 30s of the 15th century, he left the palace and settled in Bukhara. Navoi writes in "Majolis unnafois" that "Khuja Ismatullo Movarunnahr is one of the nobles. He has perfected the knowledge of Zahir. Due to his excellent poetry, his poetry became famous." IB is one of the poets who wrote in Turkish, Persian and Arabic languages ​​and started the tradition of zullisonayn in the literary environment of Bukhara.  His 8,000

Nineth day of practice at Bukhara Emir's palace

Hello my dear followers  we continued our practice at EMIR'S palace  The palace’s origins lie in the expansion of the Russian Empire to Central Asia in the second half of the 19th century. Towards the end of the century, strong diplomatic relations developed between Russia and the Bukhara Emirate, and the development of railways continued. The settlement of New Bukhara was established 12km from Bukhara, on the railway line to Tashkent, and New Bukhara became a base for the Russian military, engineers, and builders. In a sense, New Bukhara was also a diplomatic town, which hosted various offices that represented the Russian Empire in the Emirate of Bukhara. Thanks to our teacher Dilnoza Olimovna and my lovely coursemates i can change new informations and historical facts about this place


   Good day to everyone.  I think that you are having more and more information about our rich history day by day  Sooo today we visited Joyboriy Kalon madrasah  Madrasa of Joybori Kalon (Madrasas of Joybor, Madrasa of Joybor, Madrasas of Khoja Joybori Kalon, Madrasas of Ayposh Ayim) - madrasa of Bukhara.  During the time of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681), it was built in Havzi nav guzar of Joybor district in the capital of the Khanate under the donation of his mother Podshah.  It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara.Historical sources provide a lot of information about the Joybori Kalon madrasa.  The one-story madrasa has 29 rooms and a large library. Several copies of the foundation documents of the Joybori Kalon madrasa have been preserved.  One of them is original, and the other two are copies copied during the reign of Amir Shahmurad.  There is almost no difference between them.  In the original waqfnama drawn up in January-February 1671


 HELLO MY DEARS  HOW ARE YOU? TODAY WE VISITED TO SAYFIDDIN CARAVANSERAI AND I JUST WANT TO SHARE MY INFORMATIONS AND PHOTOS WITH YOU GUYS One of such specialized places was Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai in Bukhara, built in the XIX century. Caravanserais served as a kind of parking and a shelter for wandering merchants, a place for rest and lodging, the likeness of a modern hotel or motel. Inside, travelers could store their goods in special storage rooms, feed animals in designated pens, have a snack in a teahouse or take a bath. Another special place in a caravanserai was the exchange money point. Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai was considered a state-run and was a place of shelter mainly of rich merchants (bais) engaged in trade in gold, pearls, diamonds and other precious metals. According to that, we can say that in this caravanserai there was a good turnover, which reached about 5,000 rubles a day. Currently, at the entrance to the ancient caravanserai, there are small shops with national s


GOOD PART OF THE DAY TO ALL OF MY LOVELY SUBSCRIBERS  TODAY WE TRAVELLED TO KAMOLIDDIN BEHZOD FINE ART MUSEUM  SO,πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“ I WANT TO SHARE MY FIRST- HAND EXPERIENCE WITH YOU GUYS  The history of the building. The building was constructed in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayatov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich. The first floor of the building housed Savva Morozov's shop. On the second floor there was the branch of the Azov-Donskoy bank. From 1920 up to 1982, this building had placed the department of the State Bank (Gosbank) and other organizations. The history of the fine arts museum. Since 1982, the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection. The museum consists of the following exhibitions: The "Painting and Graphics" exhibition was established on the basis of painting, graphics, and sculpture collections. The exhibition is represented by the works of the Russian artists P. Benkov


 HELLO MY DEARS WELCOME  YOU ARE IN MEXRANGIZ'S BLOG AGAIN TODAY WE WENT TO THE ARCHEOLOGICAL PARK OF THE ARK    The Ark is a large earthen fortification located in the northwestern part of contemporary Bukhara. In layout, it resembles a modified rectangle, a little elongated from the west to the east. The perimeter of the external walls is 789.6 m (2,591 ft), the area enclosed being 3.96 ha (9.8 acres). The height of the walls varies from 16 to 20 m (52 to 66 ft). The ceremonial entrance into the citadel is architecturally framed by two 18th-century towers. The upper parts of the towers are connected by a gallery, rooms, and terraces. A gradually rising ramp leads through a winch-raised portal and a covered long corridor to the mosque of Dzhuma. The covered corridor offers access to storerooms and prison cells. In the center of the Ark is located a large complex of buildings, one of the best-preserved being the mosque of Ul'dukhtaron, which is connected to legends of forty gir


  Hi everyone😍😍Today our 4th practical day and we visited to the Govkushon madrasah, which is located in the old city.  It was built in the historical center of Bukhara in 1562-1565during Shaybani ruler Abdulla Kahn ll at the expense of Khoja Saad, the sheikh of Dzhoybor Khoja Saad is known by the nickname "khoja kalon" which is deflected in this name complex. The name govkushon (killing bulls) is related to the fact that there was slaughterhouse here until the 16th century. A little later, after the construction of the madrasah Bukharas second Juma Mosque, was built around it, with pool and a low minaret, imitating the Minaret kalon later, caravansarai were built nearby . I hope you got some information about this complex


GOOD PART OF THE DAY MY DEAR FOLLOWERS  HOW ARE YOU? TODAY WE CONTINUED OUR PRACTICAL DAY AT THE BAHOUDDIN NAQSHBAND COMPLEX The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. Every self-respecting Muslim knows and reveres this name. The great theologian of the XIV century, founder of the Sufi Order "Naqshbandia" was buried 12 km from Bukhara in his native village of Kasri Orifon. Some time ago there was the pagan temple of the site of current tomb of Naqshbandi. Naqshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made hajj to Mekka 32 times. He appealed people to be modest and rejected the luxury. His philosophy was based on the principle: "Dil ba joru, dast ba kor" ("The heart - with the God, hands at work"). The main building of the complex is the khanqah. Before the frontal of the mosque there is the minaret and small madrassah. To the west from dahma, in separate courtyard there is the large necropolis,