Good day to everyone. I think that you are having more and more information about our rich history day by day  Sooo today we visited Joyboriy Kalon madrasah 

Madrasa of Joybori Kalon (Madrasas of Joybor, Madrasa of Joybor, Madrasas of Khoja Joybori Kalon, Madrasas of Ayposh Ayim) - madrasa of Bukhara. During the time of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681), it was built in Havzi nav guzar of Joybor district in the capital of the Khanate under the donation of his mother Podshah. It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara.Historical sources provide a lot of information about the Joybori Kalon madrasa. The one-story madrasa has 29 rooms and a large library.

Several copies of the foundation documents of the Joybori Kalon madrasa have been preserved. One of them is original, and the other two are copies copied during the reign of Amir Shahmurad. There is almost no difference between them. In the original waqfnama drawn up in January-February 1671, Podshah Ayim bint Abdurahimhoja's structure is made in the shape of an egg and there is a seal reminiscent of the seal of the Khans 

The foundation said to the foundation: "If a single brick of the building remains broken, none of the trustees shall be given a single chakayam!" - as a strict condition in the order  . In the document, it was necessary to buy 10 felts every two years and a new mat every year for the mosque within the mutawalli school 

The annual endowment of the madrasah was 130,000 tanga  The provision of madrasa mudarris and students is separated from the rest of the waqf funds specified in the waqfnama for the repair of the madrasa, the amount of its share is clearly defined in the waqf document. According to the document, the total share of mudarris was 500 gil  and the share for students was 20 gil .


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